Overblown Reviews "Too Prickly For This World"


UK music blog Overblown published a song by song review of Wife Patrol’s debut album Too Prickly For This World on release day, September 4, 2020. Written by Emma Laurent, the review gave the album a score of 87% or 4.5 out of 5 stars.

Laurent writes:

Wife Patrol delivers what other bands fail to when experimenting with structure. Wife Patrol finds a way to create a flawless Rocky Horror, instead of Dr Frankenstein’s jarring monster carelessly stitched together. The direction of each song is always interesting. The structure changes within songs always feel earned and are never disruptive. I’m in awe that even the songs I personally found unfavourable, the skill and theory behind each musical choice is literally noteworthy. While this album is bound to be a top album within the scene, there are moments where Wife Patrol’s technical abilities create a muted sound where I wish the band would have just let itself run wild. In future albums, I look forward to Wife Patrol’s undeniable skills unleashing themselves to create a truly unfiltered masterpiece.